Organizational Bylaws
Article I—Name
The name of this organization shall be the Mammoth Lakes Women’s Club.
Article II—Mission Statement
The object of the Mammoth Lakes Women’s Club shall be charitable as defined by section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The club will promote social welfare; community enrichment programs that focus on education, arts, and community beautification; civic advancement; and fellowship.
Article III—Membership
Section 1: Membership in this club shall be open to any person interested.
Section 2: All guests are welcome.
Section 3: Active members are defined as members who have paid their dues and who participate in fundraising events. Active members may run for office and serve on a committee. Dues must be current to participate in committee work.
Section 4: A sustaining member is a former member in good standing who can no longer participate in club activities full time, but who wishes to support the club on a limited basis. A sustaining member is a non-voting member, who has paid dues, but who may not run for office. The member may attend meetings and participate in club activities. Sustaining members must participate in one major fundraiser per year. To achieve sustaining status, the member must have been an active member for two (2) years.
Article IV—Dues
Section 1: Active members annual dues are $48, payable to the Treasurer, in full in January or one-half (1/2) in January and the remaining one-half (1/2) on or before May 31. Active members must be paid in full by May 31 or they may lose their active status and be dropped from the membership. Dues will be prorated for new members through the year, based on $4 per month for the balance of the fiscal year.
Section 2: Sustaining members annual dues are twice the amount of an active member, payable to the Treasurer, in full in January or one-half (1/2) in January and the remaining one-half (1/2) on or before May 31. Sustaining member dues must be paid by May 31 or they may lose their sustaining status and be dropped from the membership.
Article V—Executive Board
Section 1: The election of officers shall be in even numbered calendar years. Newly elected and appointed officers shall enter into their duties at the May installation. All officers shall serve a term of two years. The Executive Board of the Club shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian (outgoing President or a Past President) and shall be presided over by the President of the Club as chairperson. President, Vice-President, and Treasurer shall have check signing authority.
Section 2: A nominating committee shall be formed in March and shall be compromised of the Parliamentarian, together with at least three (3) members. The nominating committee shall select from the general membership nominees for the officers of the Executive Board. Any nominee for office must have been an active member of the Club for one (1) year prior to the election. The slate shall be presented at the April meeting. Additional nominations from the floor may be made at this time.
Section 3: After the nominating committee has presented a slate of proposed officers at the April meeting and voting has taken place, the Vice-President or a sustaining member shall collect and count the ballots for the incoming Executive Board. Newly elected officers will be determined by majority of the quorum. The results will be announced at the April meeting, with Installation being held prior to or during the May meeting. The outgoing Executive Board jointly presides over the May meeting with the new Executive Board. The new Executive Board presides over the June meeting. The incoming and outgoing Executive Boards are responsible for compiling and assigning the committees for the upcoming year.
Section 4: The Executive Board may propose additional officers for the proper administration of the activities of the Club to the general membership for ratification.
Section 5: In the event that any office of the Club becomes vacant, the Executive Board may propose names(s) to the general membership for ratification. The new officer(s) shall serve for the remainder of the term.
Section 6: The Executive Board shall constitute Club authority in deciding any matters of Club policy. It shall require a quorum vote of fifty percent (50%) of the membership to alter a decision passed by the Executive Board.
Section 7: No officer shall be eligible for more than one (1) office at a time.
Section 8: A member may not serve more than two consecutive terms in one position.
Section 9: All email polls must be authorized by at least three of the five members of the Executive Board. A reasonable effort shall be made to contact all members. Any decision requires a majority vote of the membership.
Section 10: Duties of the officers shall be:
Section 11: The corporate power, management, and control of the corporation shall be vested in the Executive Board and no officer or member of the club shall have the power to incur any indebtedness on behalf of the club or appropriate any money without authority from the club or Executive Board.
Section 12: The officers shall be responsible for their duties as defined and such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the club.
Article VI—Committees
Section 1: The committees are generally established on a volunteer basis and appointed by the Executive Board.
Section 2: A chairperson shall be appointed by the Executive Board and will give a report of the current activities of the committee at each regular and/or Executive Board meeting.
Section 3: Committees, guided by their respective chairperson, shall meet within one (1) month after appointment and shall meet as often as required by the appointed duties.
Section 4: Membership on a committee will be a two-year term, running consistent with the Executive Board term.
Section 5: All committee expenditures must be approved by the Executive Board.
Section 6: Duties of the committees shall be:
Article VII—Meetings
Section 1: The general meeting of the Club shall be held on the second Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members.
Section 2: One half of the membership present at the meeting shall be considered a majority.
Section 3: The president has the authority to call a special meeting of the Club and Executive Board to consider only items for which the meeting was called. The object of the meeting must be stated in the call.
Section 4: The Club may conduct voting on any issue via electric means. All electronic polls must be authorized by at least three of the five members of the Executive Board. A reasonable effort shall be made to contact all members. Any decision resulting from an electronic vote requires a majority of the membership.
Article VIII—Amendments
These bylaws may be amended upon the authority of the Executive Board with the approval of a majority vote of a quorum of membership present at a general meeting. Notice must be sent to all membership that a vote to change the bylaws will take place.
Article IX—Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the business of the Mammoth Lakes Women’s Club not covered by existing bylaws or Standing Rules.
Article X—Properties and Assets
No part of the net earnings of the Club derived from Fundraising and deposited in the treasury account shall be for the benefit of, be distributed to, or used for or by an individual member or group of members.
Article XI—Dissolution
Upon dissolution of this Club, its property and assets shall be distributed to a specified 501(3)(c) organization after all liabilities have been paid, satisfied, and discharged.
Article XII—Fiscal Year
The Club’s fiscal year shall be June 1 to May 31.
Standing Rules
The name of this organization shall be the Mammoth Lakes Women’s Club.
Article II—Mission Statement
The object of the Mammoth Lakes Women’s Club shall be charitable as defined by section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The club will promote social welfare; community enrichment programs that focus on education, arts, and community beautification; civic advancement; and fellowship.
Article III—Membership
Section 1: Membership in this club shall be open to any person interested.
Section 2: All guests are welcome.
- A. A guest must attend three (3) meetings and/or functions in one (1) year and pay dues to become a member.
- B. New members will be introduced at a general meeting and shall be asked to introduce themselves.
- C. Former members who wish to rejoin the club may do so as soon as dues are received.
- D. Guests cannot participate in Club Business discussions.
- E. Guests can volunteer time or donations to events and fundraisers.
Section 3: Active members are defined as members who have paid their dues and who participate in fundraising events. Active members may run for office and serve on a committee. Dues must be current to participate in committee work.
Section 4: A sustaining member is a former member in good standing who can no longer participate in club activities full time, but who wishes to support the club on a limited basis. A sustaining member is a non-voting member, who has paid dues, but who may not run for office. The member may attend meetings and participate in club activities. Sustaining members must participate in one major fundraiser per year. To achieve sustaining status, the member must have been an active member for two (2) years.
Article IV—Dues
Section 1: Active members annual dues are $48, payable to the Treasurer, in full in January or one-half (1/2) in January and the remaining one-half (1/2) on or before May 31. Active members must be paid in full by May 31 or they may lose their active status and be dropped from the membership. Dues will be prorated for new members through the year, based on $4 per month for the balance of the fiscal year.
Section 2: Sustaining members annual dues are twice the amount of an active member, payable to the Treasurer, in full in January or one-half (1/2) in January and the remaining one-half (1/2) on or before May 31. Sustaining member dues must be paid by May 31 or they may lose their sustaining status and be dropped from the membership.
Article V—Executive Board
Section 1: The election of officers shall be in even numbered calendar years. Newly elected and appointed officers shall enter into their duties at the May installation. All officers shall serve a term of two years. The Executive Board of the Club shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian (outgoing President or a Past President) and shall be presided over by the President of the Club as chairperson. President, Vice-President, and Treasurer shall have check signing authority.
Section 2: A nominating committee shall be formed in March and shall be compromised of the Parliamentarian, together with at least three (3) members. The nominating committee shall select from the general membership nominees for the officers of the Executive Board. Any nominee for office must have been an active member of the Club for one (1) year prior to the election. The slate shall be presented at the April meeting. Additional nominations from the floor may be made at this time.
Section 3: After the nominating committee has presented a slate of proposed officers at the April meeting and voting has taken place, the Vice-President or a sustaining member shall collect and count the ballots for the incoming Executive Board. Newly elected officers will be determined by majority of the quorum. The results will be announced at the April meeting, with Installation being held prior to or during the May meeting. The outgoing Executive Board jointly presides over the May meeting with the new Executive Board. The new Executive Board presides over the June meeting. The incoming and outgoing Executive Boards are responsible for compiling and assigning the committees for the upcoming year.
Section 4: The Executive Board may propose additional officers for the proper administration of the activities of the Club to the general membership for ratification.
Section 5: In the event that any office of the Club becomes vacant, the Executive Board may propose names(s) to the general membership for ratification. The new officer(s) shall serve for the remainder of the term.
Section 6: The Executive Board shall constitute Club authority in deciding any matters of Club policy. It shall require a quorum vote of fifty percent (50%) of the membership to alter a decision passed by the Executive Board.
Section 7: No officer shall be eligible for more than one (1) office at a time.
Section 8: A member may not serve more than two consecutive terms in one position.
Section 9: All email polls must be authorized by at least three of the five members of the Executive Board. A reasonable effort shall be made to contact all members. Any decision requires a majority vote of the membership.
Section 10: Duties of the officers shall be:
- A. President—The president shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Executive Board, and may call special meetings of the Club and of the Executive Board. The President shall sign all contracts. The President shall be acquainted with the activities of all officers and committees. It is the President’s responsibility to call a joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming Executive Boards within one (1) month of the President’s installation to discuss plans and to formulate recommendations to be presented to the Club for the entire membership’s consideration, approval, or other action. The President shall do any and all things within the power of the President to advance the interests of the Club. It is also the President’s responsibility to act as liaison between the Club membership, C.F.W.C. and G.F.W.C.
- B. Vice President—The Vice-President shall serve as a contact extending customary courtesies to those who have cause to be consoled or congratulated. The Vice-President shall also serve as the collector of ballots for new officers and Member of the Year. The Vice-President shall tabulate the ballots and present the results at the appropriate meeting or function. Additionally, the Vice-President shall purchase thank you gifts for the outgoing President, the Member of the Year, and Secret Pal coordinator in December, not to exceed $50 per gift unless approved by the membership. The Vice-President shall perform any and all duties of President during the President’s absence. It is the Vice-President’s duty to introduce visitors to members who are not acquainted. It is the Vice-President’s duty to see that all committees are functioning and that the committees work in close cooperation as they plan together. The Vice-President may request committees to give reports or submit written reports at regularly scheduled meetings of the Executive Board and/or at the regular Club meetings. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Vice-President is authorized to receive payments. The Vice-President shall turn over all payments received, along with a completely itemized report to the Treasurer before the next regular meeting.
- C. Secretary—The Secretary shall take the minutes of each meeting of the Club and the Executive Board and transcribe them. The Secretary will transmit the month’s minutes by email prior to the next meeting. The Secretary shall keep an official notebook of all minutes to be passed from year to year. Should the Secretary be absent from the meeting, the Secretary shall have another member take minutes. The Secretary shall conduct all general Club correspondence. The Secretary shall be responsible for the monthly meeting notification or may solicit a member to assist in the Secretary’s duties. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the bylaws in a current fashion and providing all members with updates.
- D. Treasurer—The Treasurer shall collect all dues payable to the Club. The Treasurer shall have custody of all the funds of the Club and shall make such disbursements as directed by the Club. The Treasurer shall keep written reports for each event and provide written monthly reports to be presented at each meeting including the organizations the Club donated to and the amount of the donation. All reports will be filed in the Treasurer’s notebook. The Treasurer shall present the notebook to the incoming Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep record of amount, member names, where monies come from and how earned. The Treasurer is responsible for Ways and Means. The Vice-President shall handle the monies in the Treasurer’s absence. Should the Treasurer be absent from a meeting, they shall have the Vice-President present the Treasurer’s report. There must always be a Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer, along with a co-signature from the President or Vice-President, shall sign checks. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies collected. The Treasurer may solicit members to help at fundraisers. The Treasurer shall prepare fiscal year end tax documents as needed. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the general funds which are comprised of funds contributed from the general public and membership due to be allocated for civic donations, operational expenses, and District and GFWC dues (Treasury Account); slush fund contributions by the membership or guests allocated for installation, socials, and gifts (Slush Fund Account); and the savings account made of excess funds from the Treasury Account.
- E. Parliamentarian—The Parliamentarian is the outgoing President, a past president or member appointed by the President. The Parliamentarian shall contact members who have been absent from meetings to determine their status. The Parliamentarian may also be appointed additional duties by the Executive Board.
Section 11: The corporate power, management, and control of the corporation shall be vested in the Executive Board and no officer or member of the club shall have the power to incur any indebtedness on behalf of the club or appropriate any money without authority from the club or Executive Board.
Section 12: The officers shall be responsible for their duties as defined and such other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the club.
Article VI—Committees
Section 1: The committees are generally established on a volunteer basis and appointed by the Executive Board.
Section 2: A chairperson shall be appointed by the Executive Board and will give a report of the current activities of the committee at each regular and/or Executive Board meeting.
Section 3: Committees, guided by their respective chairperson, shall meet within one (1) month after appointment and shall meet as often as required by the appointed duties.
Section 4: Membership on a committee will be a two-year term, running consistent with the Executive Board term.
Section 5: All committee expenditures must be approved by the Executive Board.
Section 6: Duties of the committees shall be:
- A. Social Committee—The Social committee shall work in planning and presenting the Club’s social activities. They shall outline hostesses and co-hostesses for the fiscal year. They shall make arrangements for the programs at the monthly meetings. A calendar of monthly social events for the year shall be outlined and submitted to the Club for adoption. The social committee shall work in cooperation with the other committees where activities coincide. They shall do any and all things possible to encourage, plan, and execute affairs that are socially beneficial, including installation. The social committee shall recognize members’ birthdays at monthly meetings. Any expenditure over $100 must be approved by a quorum vote of fifty percent (50%) of the membership at a regular meeting.
- B. Publicity--The Publicity Committee shall extend through the mediums of the press, radio, and internet the accomplishments of the Club’s activities. It shall give publicity to all fundraising events through posters, etc. The Publicity Committee shall upkeep the Club website, social media and newsletter. The Publicity Committee is responsible for internal communication with the Club’s members as well as sharing news from the District, State, and Federal level. Any expenditure exceeding $100 must be approved by a quorum vote of fifty percent (50%) of the membership present at a regular meeting.
- C. Fundraising--The fundraising committee shall plan the moneymaking projects that will provide adequate funds to meet the Club’s needs. Systematic plans for raising money shall be made and followed regularly. This committee shall work in cooperation with the Social Committee where activities coincide. It shall always be aware of the financial welfare of the Club and aim to anticipate its needs in this direction. A majority vote of the membership in attendance at a regular meeting is required to add a new fundraiser or change an existing fundraiser, and all members not in attendance must be notified.
- D. Membership--This committee shall be responsible for keeping the Club membership information current for all members and supplying new members with the information as well as welcoming new members into the Club with a gift which will not exceed $10 in value. The membership committee will ensure new members complete a profile and shall handle orientation for all new members in a personal manner. Additionally, the Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the Membership Roster and provide current copies to all membership. The Membership Committee will follow up with the guests during and after the meeting, helping to ensure that they return if interested. The Membership Committee will recognize significant membership milestones.
- E. Community Watch--The Community Watch Committee will be responsible for non-monetary requests for assistance from the local community, District, CFWC, and GFWC. They will ensure the Club participates in the GFWC Special Project as well as other Community Service Programs involving Arts, Home Life, Education, Public Issues, Conservation, and International Outreach.
- F. Such other committees shall be appointed by the President, the Board, or the Club as deemed necessary to carry out the work of the Club.
Article VII—Meetings
Section 1: The general meeting of the Club shall be held on the second Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the members.
Section 2: One half of the membership present at the meeting shall be considered a majority.
Section 3: The president has the authority to call a special meeting of the Club and Executive Board to consider only items for which the meeting was called. The object of the meeting must be stated in the call.
Section 4: The Club may conduct voting on any issue via electric means. All electronic polls must be authorized by at least three of the five members of the Executive Board. A reasonable effort shall be made to contact all members. Any decision resulting from an electronic vote requires a majority of the membership.
Article VIII—Amendments
These bylaws may be amended upon the authority of the Executive Board with the approval of a majority vote of a quorum of membership present at a general meeting. Notice must be sent to all membership that a vote to change the bylaws will take place.
Article IX—Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the business of the Mammoth Lakes Women’s Club not covered by existing bylaws or Standing Rules.
Article X—Properties and Assets
No part of the net earnings of the Club derived from Fundraising and deposited in the treasury account shall be for the benefit of, be distributed to, or used for or by an individual member or group of members.
Article XI—Dissolution
Upon dissolution of this Club, its property and assets shall be distributed to a specified 501(3)(c) organization after all liabilities have been paid, satisfied, and discharged.
Article XII—Fiscal Year
The Club’s fiscal year shall be June 1 to May 31.
Standing Rules
- The general meeting of the Club shall be held at 6:30 pm, preceded by a half hour social beginning at 6 pm, unless otherwise stipulated by the membership.
- The meetings shall be held in member homes or other suitable locations throughout the community.
- No petition shall be circulated in the membership unless its presentation is approved by the Executive Board.
- No member may present any opportunity as Club business which would benefit that member financially as such an action could jeopardize the Club's non profit status as per Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- The Club roster may not be used by any member for any purpose other than club business. The Club email network or website may not be used by any member for any purpose other than club business. The Club’s email distribution list is not to be used to voice personal opinion unless a vote is being conducted.
- The Mammoth Lakes Women's Club shall not present any honorary or life memberships. However, by majority vote of the Executive Board, members achieving membership milestones (ex: 10 years, 20, etc.) can be honored by the club with a gift.
- At the February meeting, a majority vote of a quorum of members present shall decide if the Club will be represented at that year's District and/or State convention(s). The number of eligible delegates would be determined by current District requirements. The President and Vice President would be considered delegates unless they must assign the duty to another member(s). Any Club member who is also a District Executive Board member is automatically a District delegate. The Club will also decide by majority quorum vote the amount of any financial aid extended to delegates toward convention attendance costs.
- In accordance with Robert’s Rules if a member wishes to speak during the agendized portion of the meeting, they must raise their hand and wait to be acknowledged by the presiding chair before speaking.
- Side conversations should not be held during the agendized portion of the meeting. Respect is shown to the member speaking.
You can download a version of our Bylaws here: