I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:31 P.M. by President, Leisha Baldwin
II. Introductions
a. Guests: Liberty (second meeting) and Sarah Eberhardt, who helped out the club by working at worked Bluesapalooza.
b. New Members; none
III. Approve Minutes From July 9 Meeting: Marcia motioned for approval, Sharon 2nd Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Report:
• Fashion show: still awaiting final numbers.
• Snack shack: Little league earned $1764.50 ; Adult softball earned $1524 for the month of July.
• Bluesapalooza: Earned $3785.75.
• As of end of July: Treasury balance is $1861.65; Slush fund is 200.70; and savings balance is $5881.33 (Note: $4000 of savings is encumbered for scholarships).
b. Correspondence: none & no funding requests
V. Standing Committees
a. Membership: No report
b. Fundraising
• Snack Shack Update: Slots are filled for remainder of baseball season. Marcia suggested that next year we revisit not hosting men’s league. Compared to last year. This year’s numbers are lower, possibly because we are missing out on what the families buy during men’s league. Candy sales in particular are significantly lower. Anna made a special recognition of Karen Sibert’s willingness to fill in on a lot of last minute slots for the snack shack.
• Holiday Auction Committee: Will meet on Monday 8/18 to begin planning.
• Bluesapalooza Recap: The event was very successful, and a lot of fun. Although it is not official, the general sense is that MLWC will be invited back next year. MLWC bar sold double what has been sold in past years. Thank you notes for non-club members who helped out and to Mammoth Brewery are in the process of being sent.
c. Social
• September Meeting: District ladies are coming to meeting which will be September 10 at Marcia’s house. Meeting will start at 5:00 and conclude by 5:45, after which a scavenger hunt will take place. Scavenger hunt will be related to Women’s club and Womens Club purpose. Teams for scavenger hunt will consist of 3-4 including a district lady. Activities will involve driving around town to look for/collect/photograph certain items. Potluck dinner will follow scavenger hunt. Marcia will make pork roast. Members are asked to bring something from the MLWC cookbook. Leisha will send sign-up genius for potluck dishes.
• October Meeting: Anna will host. Susi, Rhonda & Leisha will co host.
d. Communication
• Website Update: Still a work in progress. Please send ideas and feedback to Patricia.
• Facebook: Currently has 103 likes. Leisha encouraged all members to “like” the MLWC page. Please send ideas and feedback about the MLWC FB page to Patricia.
VI. Business
a. Sierra Summer Festival: Karen needs at least 1 person, preferably 2 to help serve cookies on Friday 8/15 from 7:30- 9:30 pm at St. Jospehs Church. Please call Karen if you can help. Also need more cookies. Cookies can be dropped off at MLPD by 4pm on Friday 8/15.
b. Gimme Shelter Carnival Recap: Carnival was successful. Biggest day was 2500 people. $12,000 was earned. Plans for next year are already in the works.
c. Fall Century: Ride is Sept. 6. MLWC can earn $500 to work the rest stop on Waterson divide. Need at least 6 people to work from 8:30-3:30. Expected to have 1500 riders; there are several MLWC members who will be riding in the event. Leisha will send out sign up genius.
VII. Non-Agenda Items: From Anna: wine tasting event that is taking place at The Village this week-end is looking for volunteers. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering.
VIII. Members’ News and Notes:
• Anna thanked The Club for the notes and kindness; her father passed away unexpectedly. Anna and her husband visited with Debby Christiana Bailey & her husband Richard at their new home in Gig Harbor Washington. Were also able to visit with old friends of Brents, and were able to introduce Debby & Richard to them.
• Leisha thanked everyone who worked Bluesapalooza
Next Meeting: September 10, 2014 @ Marcia’s house. NOTE: MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:00 PM!
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Susi Bains, Secretary
II. Introductions
a. Guests: Liberty (second meeting) and Sarah Eberhardt, who helped out the club by working at worked Bluesapalooza.
b. New Members; none
III. Approve Minutes From July 9 Meeting: Marcia motioned for approval, Sharon 2nd Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Report:
• Fashion show: still awaiting final numbers.
• Snack shack: Little league earned $1764.50 ; Adult softball earned $1524 for the month of July.
• Bluesapalooza: Earned $3785.75.
• As of end of July: Treasury balance is $1861.65; Slush fund is 200.70; and savings balance is $5881.33 (Note: $4000 of savings is encumbered for scholarships).
b. Correspondence: none & no funding requests
V. Standing Committees
a. Membership: No report
b. Fundraising
• Snack Shack Update: Slots are filled for remainder of baseball season. Marcia suggested that next year we revisit not hosting men’s league. Compared to last year. This year’s numbers are lower, possibly because we are missing out on what the families buy during men’s league. Candy sales in particular are significantly lower. Anna made a special recognition of Karen Sibert’s willingness to fill in on a lot of last minute slots for the snack shack.
• Holiday Auction Committee: Will meet on Monday 8/18 to begin planning.
• Bluesapalooza Recap: The event was very successful, and a lot of fun. Although it is not official, the general sense is that MLWC will be invited back next year. MLWC bar sold double what has been sold in past years. Thank you notes for non-club members who helped out and to Mammoth Brewery are in the process of being sent.
c. Social
• September Meeting: District ladies are coming to meeting which will be September 10 at Marcia’s house. Meeting will start at 5:00 and conclude by 5:45, after which a scavenger hunt will take place. Scavenger hunt will be related to Women’s club and Womens Club purpose. Teams for scavenger hunt will consist of 3-4 including a district lady. Activities will involve driving around town to look for/collect/photograph certain items. Potluck dinner will follow scavenger hunt. Marcia will make pork roast. Members are asked to bring something from the MLWC cookbook. Leisha will send sign-up genius for potluck dishes.
• October Meeting: Anna will host. Susi, Rhonda & Leisha will co host.
d. Communication
• Website Update: Still a work in progress. Please send ideas and feedback to Patricia.
• Facebook: Currently has 103 likes. Leisha encouraged all members to “like” the MLWC page. Please send ideas and feedback about the MLWC FB page to Patricia.
VI. Business
a. Sierra Summer Festival: Karen needs at least 1 person, preferably 2 to help serve cookies on Friday 8/15 from 7:30- 9:30 pm at St. Jospehs Church. Please call Karen if you can help. Also need more cookies. Cookies can be dropped off at MLPD by 4pm on Friday 8/15.
b. Gimme Shelter Carnival Recap: Carnival was successful. Biggest day was 2500 people. $12,000 was earned. Plans for next year are already in the works.
c. Fall Century: Ride is Sept. 6. MLWC can earn $500 to work the rest stop on Waterson divide. Need at least 6 people to work from 8:30-3:30. Expected to have 1500 riders; there are several MLWC members who will be riding in the event. Leisha will send out sign up genius.
VII. Non-Agenda Items: From Anna: wine tasting event that is taking place at The Village this week-end is looking for volunteers. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering.
VIII. Members’ News and Notes:
• Anna thanked The Club for the notes and kindness; her father passed away unexpectedly. Anna and her husband visited with Debby Christiana Bailey & her husband Richard at their new home in Gig Harbor Washington. Were also able to visit with old friends of Brents, and were able to introduce Debby & Richard to them.
• Leisha thanked everyone who worked Bluesapalooza
Next Meeting: September 10, 2014 @ Marcia’s house. NOTE: MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:00 PM!
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Susi Bains, Secretary