May 14, 2014
A general meeting of the Mammoth Lakes Women’s Club (the “Club”) was held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at Lynne’ Garden of Eatin’. The Club would like to thank Lynne Blanche for her generosity in allowing the use of her restaurant for its meeting.
Jane Lawton, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Guests: There were no member guests. Carlene Miller was acknowledged as a new member and was presented with flowers.
Guest Speakers:
Minutes: Kathryn Adkins motioned for approval of April minutes with one correction: Under heading of Social, change the month of April to May. Michelle Helm, seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Karen reported the following balances/activities: Treasury: $4074.94 which includes a $798.00 snack shack deposit, and $1200 subtracted out for snack shack expenses. Slush fund: $394.54, Savings: $2881.00. Earnings on Savings was 12 cents.
Correspondence: Painted Turtle (Paul Newman) kids get turtle pillow & quilt. Greta Boyer has been supplying quilts for this organization. If anyone is interested in helping to make and supply quilts, let Greta know and she can put you in touch with the right people.
Donation Requests: None.
Scholarship Committee: No report.
2. 1st Annual Boutique Fashion Show:
Board Slate: New Board was announced: President: Leisha Baldwin, Vice President: Kelly Hawtry, Treasurer: Karen Smart, Secretary: Susi Bains. Outgoing Board was recognized and thanked for their participation. Each received a small gift of appreciation (Vicky’s gift will be delivered by Carlene).
Non-Agenda Items: MLWC “swag" unveiled – more discussion at next meeting.
News and Notes: None.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Susi Bains, Substitute Secretary
Jane Lawton, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Guests: There were no member guests. Carlene Miller was acknowledged as a new member and was presented with flowers.
Guest Speakers:
- Donna Richards: Organizing a carnival fundraiser for Wild Iris. Goal is to raise $60k for a DV shelter. Carnival will be from July 10-July 20th at Sierra Nevada Resort, and will include traditional carnival rides, music and raffle. Donna is requesting that Women’s Club sell tickets at the Snack Shack. Also may need members of Women’s Club to help with manning Wild Iris booth. Further discussion was tabled until June meeting.
- Jo Bacon and Betsy Truax: Presentation re: MLR Foundation. MLR will help get the things we need in town related to activities and tourism with decisions made by one organization. The Rec Commission is looking at most efficient way to spend recreation dollars – possibilities could be trails system, park master plan or a pool in town. Another proposal will focus on supporting summer camps, gymnastics etc. One body would make the decision. MLR is also looking for people who are interested in all 7 areas of recreation so that each would have an advocate/representative. MLR will consist of a 9 member volunteer board, with representation from Mammoth Lakes Tourism, Mammoth Lakes Housing and a Council member. The remaining spots are currently vacant. No more than three board members can be non-residents of Mammoth Lakes.
Minutes: Kathryn Adkins motioned for approval of April minutes with one correction: Under heading of Social, change the month of April to May. Michelle Helm, seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Karen reported the following balances/activities: Treasury: $4074.94 which includes a $798.00 snack shack deposit, and $1200 subtracted out for snack shack expenses. Slush fund: $394.54, Savings: $2881.00. Earnings on Savings was 12 cents.
Correspondence: Painted Turtle (Paul Newman) kids get turtle pillow & quilt. Greta Boyer has been supplying quilts for this organization. If anyone is interested in helping to make and supply quilts, let Greta know and she can put you in touch with the right people.
Donation Requests: None.
Scholarship Committee: No report.
- Snack Shack:
- Need more members to volunteer. Club has 26 members but only 11 people have signed up for snack shack shifts. General discussion took place about the need for a more concerted effort to be made by all Club members to ensure that each member is putting in the same amount of time. It was also voiced that if we are a service organization, then everyone should put forth the effort to cover our biggest fundraiser. Jane suggested that further discussion be tabled for the new Board to address.
- General discussion that some people may not be getting e-mails requesting sign- ups for the Snack Shack. Contact list will be sent to members so that information can be updated, and the updated list will then be sent to Anna.
- A reminder that if other service organizations want to cover the snack shack, they will receive 50% of proceeds.
- Noted that the Snack Shack tablet does not track items that we need. Karen Smart and Marcia B. will assist Jane in setting up the tablet so that it can track items. In the meantime, please notify Marcia directly if/when we are running low on items.
- Noted that the snack shack has more variety of items this year including pulled pork.
- Leisha will send out volunteer hour tracking sheet to Club members.
2. 1st Annual Boutique Fashion Show:
- Committee members are Patricia Ann Kent, Kelly, Lynne & Michelle R.
- Roma’s Boutique, Tonik and Deer Rose will participate. Fashions will include women’s, men’s and children’s clothing. Tickets will be $35 in advance, $40 at the door. Event will be held on June 1st at Jimmy’s Taverna from 12-3pm. Tickets can also be purchased through Each ticket purchase will receive a raffle ticket. A banquet consisting of an assortment of fresh fruits, cheeses, nuts, crackers, avocado-brie quesadilla and mango pico de gallo will be included in the ticket price. Each ticket purchase will also receive a raffle ticket. There will be a “No Host” bar. Participating boutiques will sell tickets. Need assistance from Club members to sell tickets as well. Also need Club members to help organize the event, especially coordinators for the models. Lynne will send an e-mail re: what kind of help she needs during the event as soon as she can. Also need assistance from Club members in gathering items for raffle. Would like those items to be “pampering” in nature.
Board Slate: New Board was announced: President: Leisha Baldwin, Vice President: Kelly Hawtry, Treasurer: Karen Smart, Secretary: Susi Bains. Outgoing Board was recognized and thanked for their participation. Each received a small gift of appreciation (Vicky’s gift will be delivered by Carlene).
Non-Agenda Items: MLWC “swag" unveiled – more discussion at next meeting.
- A 2nd request has been made for summer BBQ ideas. It was noted that the District ladies would like to join us for the summer meeting. Discussion tabled for the new Board to address. Kathryn motioned that the Club have a BBQ party and to invite District ladies, Sharon seconded. Motion passed unanimously. It was requested that any ideas for the BBQ be sent to Jane, Leisha or Kelly.
- June meeting will be held on Wednesday June 11 at the home of Michelle Royalty. Social begins @ 6pm.
News and Notes: None.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Susi Bains, Substitute Secretary