The Club would like to thank Marcia Burditt for opening her home to us for the September meeting,
and to Anna Allen for inviting us into her home for the October meeting.
and to Anna Allen for inviting us into her home for the October meeting.
I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:36 pm by President Leisha Baldwin.
II. Introductions
a. Guests: None
b. New Members: None
III. Approve minutes from September 10 meeting: Motion for approval made by Susi Bains 2nd by Jane Lawton. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Report: Karen reported on a mix up that happened a year ago with checks being cross-mailed to incorrect parties, one was an insurance check to Mercer Consumer and the other to the cook book publisher. Mercer Consumer returned the check which was deposited into MLWC account. Mercer Consumer realized its error, and as a result, a year later, a new check had to be cut to them.
b. $5043.85 is current Treasury balance, however the balance does not account for the check to Mercer. Actual balance after Mercer check will be $2886.71. Savings balance is $5881.63. Bluesapalooza income has been able to cover scholarship checks. There is approximately $1000 still outstanding in scholarships. Slush fund is $182.57, which includes $60 income from Tastefully Yours fundraiser.
c. Correspondence:
a. Debbie Morman from District sent information about Lupus fundraiser walk, which will take place on 11/8 at the Rose Bowl. MLWC members can choose to individually/personally sponsor Debbie, and/or make a personal donation to the Lupus foundation. Donations go to Alliance for Lupus Research, a non-profit. 100% of all donations will be directed to research, no administrative cost will be taken from donations. Anna motioned to sponsor Debbie’s walk for $200. Jane 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
b. Notice of Holiday Bazar received from Granada Hills Women’s Club. Event takes place on 11/14. $40 includes admission and lunch. Local vendors will be on-site selling goods.
c. Barbara Chavez acknowledged donation from MLWC to Capital Tree Project.
d. Received thank you from District ladies for inviting them to September meeting and including them in the scavenger hunt. Also, kudos to Jane and Marcia for organizing such a fun event and wishes for a speedy recovery to Leisha.
e. USO acknowledged donation to United Through Reading in their annual report. Karen has a copy of the report if members are interested in reading.
V. Standing Committees
a. Membership: No new members. MLWC currently has 27 paying members.
b. Fundraising
1. Snack Shack Update: No formal update at this time, however Karen noted that at least $1200 was recently deposited and $700 in sales during the previous week end.
2. Holiday Auction Committee: Report from Karen Siebert:
a. Leisha has sign-up sheets for assistance at the auction. A weekly e-mail will go out to remind members to sign up for assisting at the Holiday Auction.
b. Susi Bains reviewed tickets sales: 2 tickets to sell. Event ticket is $17 ($20 at the door), and includes a door prize raffle. Please write buyer’s contact info on small perforated section of Event ticket, and return along with tickets sales. Grand Prize Raffle ticket is $10. Also will be available at the event. Please write buyer’s contact info on small perforated section of Grand Prize Raffle ticket and return along with ticket sales.
c. Need gift certificates for shop and dine.
d. All auction items should be dropped off at Leisha’s office no later than Saturday 11/1. Organizing committee will meet on Sunday 11/2 @ 1pm. Jane requested to be added to the Organizing committee.
e. DSES table has 8 seats to auction off. Marcia motioned to purchase DSES Island Extravaganza table for$1,000, and then auction off seats at MLWC Holiday Auction. Sharon 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
f. Cost to advertise Holiday Auction was underestimated by $250. Sharon motioned to add $250 to advertising budget. Marcia 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
g. Holiday Auction will be advertised in The Sheet and Mammoth Times (1/4 page ads), will have 25 spots on Sierra Wave, and will have paid advertising on Facebook. Lynne will do a radio spot on KMMT Arts & Entertainment the Friday before the event.
h. Lynne brought table cloths. Sharon requested that anyone who has linens/table cloths please drop off at Leisha’s office by 11/1, and be sure to identify them with name, etc. Linens will be used to cover auction tables.
3. Social
a. There will not be a November meeting.
b. December Holiday Party needs a committee to organize. Sharon will head up the committee and Marcia will assist. Holiday party will take place 12/10, location TBD. Sharon will organize gift exchange, etc.
4. Communications
a. Patricia has been updating website and Facebook. All agreed both look really great.
b. Members can register their volunteer hours directly on the website in the member center. Password to member center is mlwc321! (no login required)
c. Patricia also reminded members that financials, minutes and agenda are all available on the website under member center.
VI. Business
a. Yankee Candle Slush Fundraiser: Information is available on the MLWC website. Club receives 40% from each candle sale.
b. Club thanked Jane, Marcia and Leisha for last month’s scavenger hunt.
c. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Karen has ribbons for each and urged all members to wear them to bring awareness.
d. Karen announced that 10/11 is the Pumpkin Patch fundraiser for FFA Bishop High School Ag Farm. It is a family friendly event for all ages.
e. Sharon announced Alpine Trampoline Club is now open at Snowcreek.
f. Susi announced fundraiser dinner for Wild Iris on 10/25 from 5-8pm at Tri-County Fairgrounds. Tickets are $25 ea.
g. Flu shots will be available on 10/20 from 4-7pm at MES. Cost is $10.
h. Leisha announced that Kelley Hawtry resigned her position as MLWC Vice President. If anyone is interested in assuming the VP position please let Leisha know. Main responsibilities of VP are communications and committees.
VII. Non-Agenda Items: None
VIII. Members’ News and Notes:
a. Anna reported that her daughter ran her 1st marathon at St. George, and completed it in 5 hrs. 36 minutes. Congratulations!
b. Karen acknowledged Pat and the great work that she did on the Town Recreation committee. Thank you Pat!
c. Karen reported that in honor of her 55th birthday (impossible!) that she bought herself a 1941 John Deere Model A Tractor!
Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm
Respectfully submitted,
Susi Bains,
II. Introductions
a. Guests: None
b. New Members: None
III. Approve minutes from September 10 meeting: Motion for approval made by Susi Bains 2nd by Jane Lawton. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Report: Karen reported on a mix up that happened a year ago with checks being cross-mailed to incorrect parties, one was an insurance check to Mercer Consumer and the other to the cook book publisher. Mercer Consumer returned the check which was deposited into MLWC account. Mercer Consumer realized its error, and as a result, a year later, a new check had to be cut to them.
b. $5043.85 is current Treasury balance, however the balance does not account for the check to Mercer. Actual balance after Mercer check will be $2886.71. Savings balance is $5881.63. Bluesapalooza income has been able to cover scholarship checks. There is approximately $1000 still outstanding in scholarships. Slush fund is $182.57, which includes $60 income from Tastefully Yours fundraiser.
c. Correspondence:
a. Debbie Morman from District sent information about Lupus fundraiser walk, which will take place on 11/8 at the Rose Bowl. MLWC members can choose to individually/personally sponsor Debbie, and/or make a personal donation to the Lupus foundation. Donations go to Alliance for Lupus Research, a non-profit. 100% of all donations will be directed to research, no administrative cost will be taken from donations. Anna motioned to sponsor Debbie’s walk for $200. Jane 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
b. Notice of Holiday Bazar received from Granada Hills Women’s Club. Event takes place on 11/14. $40 includes admission and lunch. Local vendors will be on-site selling goods.
c. Barbara Chavez acknowledged donation from MLWC to Capital Tree Project.
d. Received thank you from District ladies for inviting them to September meeting and including them in the scavenger hunt. Also, kudos to Jane and Marcia for organizing such a fun event and wishes for a speedy recovery to Leisha.
e. USO acknowledged donation to United Through Reading in their annual report. Karen has a copy of the report if members are interested in reading.
V. Standing Committees
a. Membership: No new members. MLWC currently has 27 paying members.
b. Fundraising
1. Snack Shack Update: No formal update at this time, however Karen noted that at least $1200 was recently deposited and $700 in sales during the previous week end.
2. Holiday Auction Committee: Report from Karen Siebert:
a. Leisha has sign-up sheets for assistance at the auction. A weekly e-mail will go out to remind members to sign up for assisting at the Holiday Auction.
b. Susi Bains reviewed tickets sales: 2 tickets to sell. Event ticket is $17 ($20 at the door), and includes a door prize raffle. Please write buyer’s contact info on small perforated section of Event ticket, and return along with tickets sales. Grand Prize Raffle ticket is $10. Also will be available at the event. Please write buyer’s contact info on small perforated section of Grand Prize Raffle ticket and return along with ticket sales.
c. Need gift certificates for shop and dine.
d. All auction items should be dropped off at Leisha’s office no later than Saturday 11/1. Organizing committee will meet on Sunday 11/2 @ 1pm. Jane requested to be added to the Organizing committee.
e. DSES table has 8 seats to auction off. Marcia motioned to purchase DSES Island Extravaganza table for$1,000, and then auction off seats at MLWC Holiday Auction. Sharon 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
f. Cost to advertise Holiday Auction was underestimated by $250. Sharon motioned to add $250 to advertising budget. Marcia 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.
g. Holiday Auction will be advertised in The Sheet and Mammoth Times (1/4 page ads), will have 25 spots on Sierra Wave, and will have paid advertising on Facebook. Lynne will do a radio spot on KMMT Arts & Entertainment the Friday before the event.
h. Lynne brought table cloths. Sharon requested that anyone who has linens/table cloths please drop off at Leisha’s office by 11/1, and be sure to identify them with name, etc. Linens will be used to cover auction tables.
3. Social
a. There will not be a November meeting.
b. December Holiday Party needs a committee to organize. Sharon will head up the committee and Marcia will assist. Holiday party will take place 12/10, location TBD. Sharon will organize gift exchange, etc.
4. Communications
a. Patricia has been updating website and Facebook. All agreed both look really great.
b. Members can register their volunteer hours directly on the website in the member center. Password to member center is mlwc321! (no login required)
c. Patricia also reminded members that financials, minutes and agenda are all available on the website under member center.
VI. Business
a. Yankee Candle Slush Fundraiser: Information is available on the MLWC website. Club receives 40% from each candle sale.
b. Club thanked Jane, Marcia and Leisha for last month’s scavenger hunt.
c. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Karen has ribbons for each and urged all members to wear them to bring awareness.
d. Karen announced that 10/11 is the Pumpkin Patch fundraiser for FFA Bishop High School Ag Farm. It is a family friendly event for all ages.
e. Sharon announced Alpine Trampoline Club is now open at Snowcreek.
f. Susi announced fundraiser dinner for Wild Iris on 10/25 from 5-8pm at Tri-County Fairgrounds. Tickets are $25 ea.
g. Flu shots will be available on 10/20 from 4-7pm at MES. Cost is $10.
h. Leisha announced that Kelley Hawtry resigned her position as MLWC Vice President. If anyone is interested in assuming the VP position please let Leisha know. Main responsibilities of VP are communications and committees.
VII. Non-Agenda Items: None
VIII. Members’ News and Notes:
a. Anna reported that her daughter ran her 1st marathon at St. George, and completed it in 5 hrs. 36 minutes. Congratulations!
b. Karen acknowledged Pat and the great work that she did on the Town Recreation committee. Thank you Pat!
c. Karen reported that in honor of her 55th birthday (impossible!) that she bought herself a 1941 John Deere Model A Tractor!
Meeting adjourned at 8:13pm
Respectfully submitted,
Susi Bains,