Vice President Kelly Hawtrey called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm
Guests: Sierra-Cahuenga District President Carol Moore, 4th Vice President Beverly Ulis, Treasurer Joan Campbell and Corresponding Secretary Debbie Moorman. The District ladies each gave a brief presentation. Carol explained her President's Pin, a red heart symbolizing diversity and a love of philanthropy. Her signature projects are support for Lupus and breast and uterine cancer victims and research. She also reminded everyone to consider entering the upcoming District writing contest. Beverly spoke about the upcoming District art competition and show, and also the statewide music competition. If you're interested in any of these, Leisha and Kelly will have the info. Joan instructed how to get into the "members only" section of the CFWC website, user: member password: JennieJune and also encouraged everyone to sign up for the state e-newsletter Quick Bytes. Debbie explained her daughter suffers from Lupus, so that cause is near to her heart as well. She suggested donations to ALR, which gives 100% of donations to research, as it has corporate underwriting for all of the other charity costs. Also, she reminded us of the District scholarship for high schoolers, and that our club can donate to that cause and can also encourage our students to apply for it. Info for it comes out in February, with the deadlineApril 1.
Membership: Liberty Shimmon was welcomed as our newest member!
August meeting minutes: moved by Sharon, second by Melissa to approve, carried unanimously.
Treasurer's Report: Karen hadn't been able to connect with Leisha on the bank statements, but said there was about $8,000 in Treasury and savings combined. She promised a minutes addendum when she had the numbers. Scholar award winners are starting to claim their part of the $4,000 awarded.
Funding request: Mammoth Elementary PTO, $150 for T-shirt sponsorship for the Husky Pup Fun Run. The students run or walk laps for pledges and get the shirt as a participation award. The PTO uses the pledge money for classroom supplies and other needs not met by the school budget. Moved by Anna, second by Karen Sibert to approve, carried unanimously.
Also reported, opening day soccer at snack shack did about $800, plus the club earned $500 from working the rest stop for the Gran Fondo bike race.
Holiday Dazzle committee: Chair Karen Sibert reported the event will be Nov. 9, 2-6 pm at The Bistro. New this year, admission tickets will be sold to cover the cost of an appetizer buffet. There will still be a no-host bar. Tickets for members to sell will be available at the October meeting, along with raffle tickets (hopefully) for a ski pass. Sign ups for auction/kitchen/workshop items and also jobs at the event will be on SignUp Genius within the next week. Each member is expected to provide 3 items for sale. Next event committee meeting is 9/15 at 5:30 pm at Lynne's Garden of Eat'n.
Slush Fundraiser, Yankee Candle: Chair Kelly reported the sale starts the first week in October, so look for the club email with the web link. She will also have paper catalogs available for those who want them. The sale will run through the first part of December, so there will be delivery on time for Christmas. Don't forget, this is a SLUSH fundraiser, so it's not a tax deductible donation toward any of our charitable causes; the proceeds go toward club expenses. That means the sale can't be open to the public. You can approach family and close friends about purchasing, but they need to know its not a donation.
Snack Shack: Anna encouraged everyone to take another look at the schedule and fill the last slots!
Member news: Leisha has a broken ankle and torn ligaments after a bad fall on Sept. 6. She had surgery, and is home and on the mend. She says her family is taking care of things, so she doesn't need meal help. You can call or email her to talk or check in, so she can hear from us! She had to take her name off some Shack shifts, so fill in if you can.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05, with members setting off on the scavenger hunt, followed by the potluck.
Submitted by K. Smart for S. Bains
Minutes addendum: Treasury balance $5,683.65; Slush balance $170.09, Savings balance $5,881.48
Guests: Sierra-Cahuenga District President Carol Moore, 4th Vice President Beverly Ulis, Treasurer Joan Campbell and Corresponding Secretary Debbie Moorman. The District ladies each gave a brief presentation. Carol explained her President's Pin, a red heart symbolizing diversity and a love of philanthropy. Her signature projects are support for Lupus and breast and uterine cancer victims and research. She also reminded everyone to consider entering the upcoming District writing contest. Beverly spoke about the upcoming District art competition and show, and also the statewide music competition. If you're interested in any of these, Leisha and Kelly will have the info. Joan instructed how to get into the "members only" section of the CFWC website, user: member password: JennieJune and also encouraged everyone to sign up for the state e-newsletter Quick Bytes. Debbie explained her daughter suffers from Lupus, so that cause is near to her heart as well. She suggested donations to ALR, which gives 100% of donations to research, as it has corporate underwriting for all of the other charity costs. Also, she reminded us of the District scholarship for high schoolers, and that our club can donate to that cause and can also encourage our students to apply for it. Info for it comes out in February, with the deadlineApril 1.
Membership: Liberty Shimmon was welcomed as our newest member!
August meeting minutes: moved by Sharon, second by Melissa to approve, carried unanimously.
Treasurer's Report: Karen hadn't been able to connect with Leisha on the bank statements, but said there was about $8,000 in Treasury and savings combined. She promised a minutes addendum when she had the numbers. Scholar award winners are starting to claim their part of the $4,000 awarded.
Funding request: Mammoth Elementary PTO, $150 for T-shirt sponsorship for the Husky Pup Fun Run. The students run or walk laps for pledges and get the shirt as a participation award. The PTO uses the pledge money for classroom supplies and other needs not met by the school budget. Moved by Anna, second by Karen Sibert to approve, carried unanimously.
Also reported, opening day soccer at snack shack did about $800, plus the club earned $500 from working the rest stop for the Gran Fondo bike race.
Holiday Dazzle committee: Chair Karen Sibert reported the event will be Nov. 9, 2-6 pm at The Bistro. New this year, admission tickets will be sold to cover the cost of an appetizer buffet. There will still be a no-host bar. Tickets for members to sell will be available at the October meeting, along with raffle tickets (hopefully) for a ski pass. Sign ups for auction/kitchen/workshop items and also jobs at the event will be on SignUp Genius within the next week. Each member is expected to provide 3 items for sale. Next event committee meeting is 9/15 at 5:30 pm at Lynne's Garden of Eat'n.
Slush Fundraiser, Yankee Candle: Chair Kelly reported the sale starts the first week in October, so look for the club email with the web link. She will also have paper catalogs available for those who want them. The sale will run through the first part of December, so there will be delivery on time for Christmas. Don't forget, this is a SLUSH fundraiser, so it's not a tax deductible donation toward any of our charitable causes; the proceeds go toward club expenses. That means the sale can't be open to the public. You can approach family and close friends about purchasing, but they need to know its not a donation.
Snack Shack: Anna encouraged everyone to take another look at the schedule and fill the last slots!
Member news: Leisha has a broken ankle and torn ligaments after a bad fall on Sept. 6. She had surgery, and is home and on the mend. She says her family is taking care of things, so she doesn't need meal help. You can call or email her to talk or check in, so she can hear from us! She had to take her name off some Shack shifts, so fill in if you can.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05, with members setting off on the scavenger hunt, followed by the potluck.
Submitted by K. Smart for S. Bains
Minutes addendum: Treasury balance $5,683.65; Slush balance $170.09, Savings balance $5,881.48